Nora Scherer


Scherer N, Fässler D, Borisov O, Cheng Y, Schlosser PWuttke M, …, Sekula P, Hoppmann A, Schultheiss UT, …, Schmidts, Köttgen M, …, Grünert SC, Estrada K, Thiele I, Hertel J, Köttgen A. Coupling metabolomics and exome sequencing reveals graded effects of rare damaging heterozygous variants on gene function and human traits. Nat Genet (2025). Li LV, Xiao S, Schlosser PScherer N, Wiggenhorn AL, Spaas J, Tung ASH, Karoly ED, Köttgen A, Long JZ. SLC17A1/3 transporters mediate renal excretion of Lac-Phe in mice and humans. Nat Commun (2024). Patil S, Borisov O, Scherer N, Wirth C, Schlosser PWuttke M, …, Eckardt KU, Hunte C, Neubauer B, Köttgen AKöttgen M. The membrane transporter SLC25A48 enables transport of choline into human mitochondria. Kidney Int (2024). Monteiro-Martins S, Sterenborg RBTM, Borisov O, Scherer N, Cheng Y, Medici M, Köttgen A, Teumer A. New insights into the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis: a transcriptome- and proteome-wide association study. Eur Thyroid J (2024). Schlosser PScherer N, Grundner-Culemann F, Monteiro-Martins S, Haug S, …, Wuttke M, …, Köttgen M, …, Schmidts M, …, Schultheiss UT, …, Sekula P, Li Y, Köttgen A. Genetic studies of paired metabolomes reveal enzymatic and transport processes at the interface of plasma and urine. Nat Genet (2023). Pfau A, López-Cayuqueo KI, Scherer N, Wuttke M, Wernstedt A, …, Köttgen A, Jentsch TJ, Knauf F. SLC26A1 is a major determinant of sulfate homeostasis in humans. J Clin Invest (2023)