Pascal Schlosser

Principal Investigator
(Associated Member)

Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Hugstetter Str. 49
79106 Freiburg

Current Position

Emmy Noether Group Leader

Academic Education

2011 - 2014 M.Sc. Mathematics, University of Freiburg
2008 - 2011 B.Sc. Mathematics, University of Freiburg

Advanced Qualifications

2019 Doctoral degree in Mathematics (Dr. rer. nat.), University of Freiburg

Postgraduate Positions

2024 - present Emmy Noether Group Leader, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, Medical Center - University of Freiburg
2024 - present (adjunct) Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, US
2021 - 2024 (adjunct) Faculty, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
2019 - 2023 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, Medical Center - University of Freiburg

Link to all publications of Pascal Schlosser: PubMed

Publications on CRC 1453 funding

Scherer N, Fässler D, Borisov O, Cheng Y, Schlosser PWuttke M, …, Sekula P, Hoppmann A, Schultheiss UT, …, Schmidts, Köttgen M, …, Grünert SC, Estrada K, Thiele I, Hertel J, Köttgen A. Coupling metabolomics and exome sequencing reveals graded effects of rare damaging heterozygous variants on gene function and human traits. Nat Genet (2025). Schmidt IM, Surapaneni AL, Zhao R, …, Schlosser P, …, Coresh J, Kidney Precision Medicine Project, Rhee EP, Grams ME, Waikar SS. Plasma proteomics of acute tubular injury. Nat Commun (2024). Li LV, Xiao S, Schlosser PScherer N, Wiggenhorn AL, Spaas J, Tung ASH, Karoly ED, Köttgen A, Long JZ. SLC17A1/3 transporters mediate renal excretion of Lac-Phe in mice and humans. Nat Commun (2024). Patil S, Borisov O, Scherer N, Wirth C, Schlosser PWuttke M, …, Eckardt KU, Hunte C, Neubauer B, Köttgen AKöttgen M. The membrane transporter SLC25A48 enables transport of choline into human mitochondria. Kidney Int (2024). Yeo WJ, Surapaneni AL, Hasson DC, Schmidt IM, Sekula PKöttgen A, …, Vasan RS, Kimmel PL, Coresh J, Grams ME, Schlosser P. Serum and Urine Metabolites and Kidney Function. J Am Soc Nephrol (2024). Steinbrenner I, Schultheiss UT, Bächle H, …, Schlosser P, …, Schaeffner E, Eckardt KU, Köttgen ASekula P, GCKD Ivestigators. Associations of Urine and Plasma Metabolites with Kidney Failure and Death in a CKD Cohort. Am J Kidney Dis (2024). Rodriguez-Hernandez Z, Gorski M, Tellez-Plaza M, Schlosser PWuttke M. metaGWASmanager: a toolbox for an automated workflow from phenotypes to meta-analysis in GWAS consortia. Bioinformatics (2024). Schlosser P, Surapaneni AL, Borisov O, …, Köttgen A, Rhee EP, Coresh J, Grams ME, CRIC Study Investigators & CKD Biomarkers Consortium. Association of Integrated Proteomic and Metabolomic Modules with Risk of Kidney Disease Progression. J Am Soc Nephrol (2024). Schlosser P, Schiwitza A, Klaus J, Hieke-Schulz S, Szic KSV, …, Zirlik K, Schumacher M, Claus R. Conditional survival to assess prognosis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol (2024). Scholz M, Horn K, Pott J, Wuttke M, Kühnapfel A, …, Köttgen ASchlosser P, Pattaro C. X-chromosome and kidney function: evidence from a multi-trait genetic analysis of 908,697 individuals reveals sex-specific and sex-differential findings in genes regulated by androgen response elements. Nat Commun (2024). Riedhammer KM, Nguyen TMT, Kosukcu C, Calzada-Wack J, Li Y, …, Schlosser P, …, Wuttke M, …, Bergmann C, …, Antony D, …, Schell C, …, Köttgen AArnold S, Ozaltin F, Schmidts M, Hoefele J. Implication of transcription factor FOXD2 dysfunction in syndromic congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT). Kidney Int (2023). Rhee EP, Surapaneni AL, Schlosser P, Alotaibi M, Yang YN, …, Cheng S, Yu B, Grams ME. A genome-wide association study identifies 41 loci associated with eicosanoid levels. Commun Biol (2023). Kiryluk K, Sanchez-Rodriguez E, Zhou XJ. Zanoni F, Liu L, …, Schlosser P, …, Köttgen A, …, Scolari F, Zhang H, Gharavi AG. Genome-wide association analyses define pathogenic signaling pathways and prioritize drug targets for IgA nephropathy. Nat Genet (2023). Schlosser P, Zhang J, Liu H, Surapaneni AL, Rhee EP, …, Susztak K, Coresh J, Grams ME. Transcriptome- and proteome-wide association studies nominate determinants of kidney function and damage. Genome Biol (2023). Schlosser PScherer N, Grundner-Culemann F, Monteiro-Martins S, Haug S, …, Wuttke M, …, Köttgen M, …, Schmidts M, …, Schultheiss UT, …, Sekula P, Li Y, Köttgen A. Genetic studies of paired metabolomes reveal enzymatic and transport processes at the interface of plasma and urine. Nat Genet (2023). Greve G, Andrieux G, Schlosser P, Blagitko-Dorfs N, Rehmann UU, …, Hackanson B, Börries M, Lübbert M. In vivo kinetics of early, non-random methylome and transcriptome changes induced by DNA-hypomethylating treatment in primary AML blasts. Leukemia (2023). Bernard L, Zhou L, Surapaneni A, Chen J, Rebholz CM, …, Boerwinkle E, Schlosser P, Grams ME. Serum Metabolites and Kidney Outcomes: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Kidney Med (2022). Zhang J, Dutta D, Köttgen A, Tin A, Schlosser P, …, Boerwinkle E, Coresh J, Chatterjee N. Plasma proteome analyses in individuals of European and African ancestry identify cis-pQTLs and models for proteome-wide association studies. Nat Genet (2022). Li Y, Cheng Y, Consolato F, Schiano G, Chong MR, …, Sekula P, Steinbrenner I, Schlosser P, …, Schultheiss UT, …, Wuttke M, …, Devuyst O, Rampoldi L, Köttgen A. Genome-wide studies reveal factors associated with circulating uromodulin and its relations with complex diseases. JCI Insight (2022). Schlosser P, Tin A, Matias-Garcia PR, Thio CHL, Joehanes R,, …, Susztak K, Köttgen A, Teumer A. Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage. Nat Commun (2021). Tin A, Schlosser P, Matias-Garcia PR, Thio CHL, Joehanes R, …, Susztak K, Teumer A, Köttgen A. Epigenome-wide association study of serum urate reveals insights into urate co-regulation and the SLC2A9 locus. Nat Commun (2021). Getwan M, Hoppmann A, Schlosser P, Grand K, Song W,…, Lausch E, Köttgen A, Lienkamp SS. Ttc30a affects tubulin modifications in a model for ciliary chondrodysplasia with polycystic kidney disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2021). Stanzick KJ, Li Y, Schlosser P, Gorski M, Wuttke M, …, Köttgen A, Stark KJ, Heid IM, Winkler TW. Discovery and prioritization of variants and genes for kidney function in >1.2 million individuals. Nat Commun (2021). Matías-García PR. Wilson R, Guo Q, Zaghlool SB, Eales JM, …, Schlosser P, …, Köttgen A, …, Tomaszewski M, Teumer A, Waldenberger M. Plasma Proteomics of Renal Function: A Transethnic Meta-Analysis and Mendelian Randomization Study. J Am Soc Nephrol (2021). Kotsis F, Schultheiss UT, Wuttke M, Schlosser P, Mielke J, …, Sekula P, Köttgen A, GCKD Investigators. Self-Reported Medication Use and Urinary Drug Metabolites in the German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) Study. J Am Soc Nephrol (2021). Cheng Y, Schlosser P, Hertel J, Sekula P, Oefner PJ, …, Schmidts M; …, Thiele I, Li Y, Köttgen A. Rare genetic variants affecting urine metabolite levels link population variation to inborn errors of metabolism. Nat Commun (2021).