Gerd Walz

Prof. Dr. med.
Principal Investigator

Department of Medicine, Renal Division
Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Hugstetter Str. 55
79106 Freiburg

Current Position

Full Professor (C4), Director, Renal Division

Academic Education

1976 - 1983 Medicine, Universities Berlin & Tübingen (M.D.)
1975 - 1976 Mathematics, Technical University Berlin

Advanced Qualifications

1992 Habilitation, University of Berlin
1984 Dissertation (Dr. med.), University of Berlin

Postgraduate Positions

1998 - present Full Professor, Chief, Renal Division, Medical Center - University of Freiburg
1995 - 1999 Attending Physician, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
1992 - 1994 Resident, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
1987 - 1992 Research Fellow, Department of Transplant Immunology, Molecular Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
1983 - 1987 Resident, Department of Medicine, Free University Berlin

Link to all publications of Gerd Walz: PubMed

Publications on CRC 1453 funding

Lempicki C, Milosavljevic J, Laggner C, Tealdi S, Meyer C, Walz G, Lang K, Campa CC, Hermle T. Discovery of a Small Molecule with an Inhibitory Role for RAB11. Int J Mol Sci (2024). Grahammer F, Dumoulin B, Gulieva RE, Arnold F, …, Freedman BS, Busch H, Boerries MWalz G, Huber TB. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 drives cystic kidney disease in the absence of mTORC1 signaling activity. Kidney Int (2024). Leroy C, Lang K, Spitz D, …, Kayser S, Helmstädter M, Walz G, Ulbrich MH, Hermle T. Linking Basement Membrane and Slit Diaphragm in Drosophila Nephrocytes. J Am Soc Nephrol (2024). Matuschik L, Seifert G, Lammich K, Holzner P, Tanriver Y, Fichtner-Feigl S, Walz G, Schneider J, Jänigen B. Non-antigen-specific Immunoadsorption Is a Risk Factor for Severe Postoperative Infections in ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transpl Int (2024). Wang H, Zaiser F, Eckert P, Ruf J, Kayser N, …, Haas R, Walz GYakulov TA. Inversin (NPHP2) and Vangl2 are required for normal zebrafish cloaca formation. Biochem Piophys Res Commun (2023). Ganner A, Philipp A, Lagies S, Wingendorf L, Wang L, Pilz F, Welte T, …, Frew IJ, Walz G, Neumann-Haefelin E. SCD5 Regulation by VHL Affects Cell Proliferation and Lipid Homeostasis in ccRCC. Cells (2023). Bona A, Seifert M, Thünauer R, Zodel K, Frew IJ, Römer W, Walz G, Yakulov TA. MARVEL domain containing CMTM4 affects CXCR4 trafficking. Mol Biol Cell (2022). Milosavljevic J, Lempicki C, Lang K, Heinkele H, Kampf L, …, Walz G, Pollak M, Hermle T. Nephrotic Syndrome Gene TBC1D8B is Required for Endosomal Maturation and Nephrin Endocytosis in Drosophila. J Am Soc Nephrol (2022). Zhuang M, Scholz A, Walz G, Yakulov TA. Histone Deacetylases Cooperate with NF-κB to Support the Immediate Migratory Response after Zebrafish Pronephros Injury. Int J Mol Sci (2022). Lang K, Milosavljevic J, Heinkele H, Chen M, Gerstner L, …, Walz G, Köttgen M, Spracklen A, Poulton J, Hermle T. Selective endocytosis controls slit diaphragm maintenance and dynamics in Drosophila nephrocytes. Elife (2022). Kayser N, Zaiser F, Veenstra AC, Wang H, Göcmen B, Eckert P, Franz H, Köttgen A, Walz G, Yakulov TA. Clock genes rescue nphp mutations in zebrafish. Hum Mol Genet (2022). Gessler S, Guthmann C, Schuler V, Lilienkamp M, Walz G, Yakulov TA. Control of Directed Cell Migration after Tubular Cell Injury by Nucleotide Signaling. Int J Mol Sci (2022). Spitz D, Comas M, Gerstner L, Kayser S, Helmstädter M, Walz G, Hermle T. mTOR-Dependent Autophagy Regulates Slit Diaphragm Density in Podocyte-like Drosophila Nephrocytes. Cells (2022). Yasunaga T, Wiegel J, Bergen MD, Helmstädter M, Epting D,…, Walentek P, Ulbrich MH, Walz G. Microridge-like structures anchor motile cilia. Nat Commun (2022). Rogg M, Maier JI, Van Wymersch C, Helmstädter M, Sammarco A, …, Walz G, …, Benzing T, Huber TB, Schell C. α-Parvin Defines a Specific Integrin Adhesome to Maintain the Glomerular Filtration Barrier. J Am Soc Nephrol (2022). Gerstner L, Chen M, Kampf LL, Milosavljevic J, Lang K, …, Helmstädter M, Walz G, Hermle T. Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling rescues cytotoxicity of human apolipoprotein-L1 risk variants in Drosophila. Kidney Int (2022). Klingbeil K, Nguyen TQ, Fahrner A, Guthmann C, Wang H, …, Eckert P, Walz G, Yakulov TA. Corpuscles of Stannius development requires FGF signaling. Dev Biol (2021). Ganner A, Gehrke C, Klein M, Thegtmeier L, Matulenski T, …, Walz GFrew IJNeumann-Haefelin E. VHL suppresses RAPTOR and inhibits mTORC1 signaling in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Sci Rep (2021). Maier JI, Rogg M, Helmstädter M, Sammarco A, Walz G, Werner M, Schell C. A Novel Model for Nephrotic Syndrome Reveals Associated Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiome and Extramedullary Hematopoiesis. Cells (2021). Schoels M, Zhuang M, Fahrner A, Kuechlin S, Sagar S, Franz H, Schmitt A, Walz G, Yakulov TA. Single-cell mRNA profiling reveals changes in solute carrier expression and suggests a metabolic switch during zebrafish pronephros development. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (2021).